Planet or Plastic?

April 7 – August 7, 2022
Multimedia exhibition encourages visitors to reduce single-use plastic in their lives.
The “Planet or Plastic?” exhibition examines the global plastic waste crisis and showcases innovators working to solve this urgent issue. Organized and traveled by the National Geographic Society, the national touring exhibition raises awareness of the plastics crisis and provides actionable steps visitors can take in their lives to reduce, reuse, recycle, and refuse products with single-use plastic. The exhibition tells the story behind plastic from its invention just over a century ago to its current mass consumption through 70 profound photographs, powerful infographics and videos.
Alongside the traveling exhibition, the California Museum’s presentation also spotlights Californians fighting plastic pollution. A highlight of the supplementary display is a series of portraits of environmental heroes created by artist Tess Felix entirely from plastics washed up on Northern California beaches.