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Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is comprised of esteemed professionals and respected leaders in a variety of industries who lend their expertise to the continued growth and success of the California Museum. The function of the Board is to support the Museum’s mission to educate, enlighten and inspire a broad audience with California’s rich history and culture. As a governing body, they advise the executive director, raise funds to support major Museum programming and recruit new members from across the state.

Honorary Board Members
  • The Honorable Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, Honorary Chair
  • Jennifer Siebel Newsom, First Partner of California, Honorary Chair
  • The Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Former Governor of California
  • Anne Gust Brown, Former First Lady of California
  • The Honorable Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former Governor of California
  • Maria Shriver, Former First Lady of California
  • The Honorable Gray Davis, Former Governor of California
  • Sharon Davis, Former First Lady of California
  • The Honorable Pete Wilson, Former Governor of California
  • Gayle Wilson, Former First Lady of California
  • The Honorable George Deukmejian, Former Governor of California
  • Gloria Deukmejian, Former First Lady of California
Ex Officio Trustees
  • California Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D.
  • California State Parks Director Armando Quintero
  • California State Archivist (Vacant)
Anne Marie Petrie


Chris Kahn

Vice Chair

Kristen Soares

Vice Chair

Mike Ueltzen


Jami Goldstene


Andrew Baldonado

Michael Cappelluti

Francisco Castillo

Carol Dahmen

Pablo Espinoza

Natasha Fooman

Ebony Harper

Steve Juarez

Jackie Kinney

Drisha Leggitt

Andrea Lepore

Kitty O’Neal

Brad Pacheco

Sandra Pizarro

Dina Ruiz

Helen Yee